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Thoughts, advice, and the latest about Eyes on the Horizon

Monica Kramer McConkey
Sep 18, 2023
Suicide in Agriculture
September is Suicide Prevention Month with many events and initiatives bringing attention to this far too common experience that...

Monica Kramer McConkey
Sep 3, 2023
When It's Hard to Hope
Most of us have been there at one time or another, feeling like we can think positive and hold onto hope until “the cows come home” but...

Monica Kramer McConkey
Jan 15, 2023
Winter Coping: 3 Areas of Focus
For many people, winter can be a difficult time with days overcome by a lack of motivation, negative thinking, and increased irritability....

Monica Kramer McConkey
Apr 11, 2022
Irrigating Relationships
Originally written for publication in Minnesota Irrigator, Spring/Summer 2022 newsletter Most people I talk to are under the impression...

Monica Kramer McConkey
Dec 2, 2021
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Family Farm Transitions
With the average age of the American farmer being just shy of 60-years-old, farm/ranch transitions from one generation to the next are...

Monica Kramer McConkey
Apr 15, 2021
Ag and Alcohol
I really debated writing this article for several reasons. Discussing alcohol use can be a touchy subject. Let me start by saying –...

Monica Kramer McConkey
Apr 11, 2021
Anticipating the Worst
Anticipatory Anxiety (aka expecting the worst, worst case scenario thinking, negative outlook, catastrophizing) is a burden most farmers...

Monica Kramer McConkey
Jan 10, 2021
Why Have Business Meetings on the Farm?
Business Meetings on the Farm? Really? YES! Really. Why? Short answer is that you are running a business. For the longer answer and...

Monica Kramer McConkey
Dec 9, 2020
5 Strategies to Avoid the Post-Holidays Let Down
You know the feeling. That pre-holiday expectancy grows as the temperature drops, leaves fall, and holiday décor magically appears in...

Monica Kramer McConkey
Aug 21, 2020
Harvest Hostility
The scenario goes something like this: Rain clouds are on the horizon. Weather forecast reports chances of rain every day for the next 3...

Monica Kramer McConkey
Jul 17, 2020
Why Eyes on the Horizon?
When I was considering a name for my business, I reflected on the family farm searching for a term that would encompass resiliency in...

Monica McConkey
May 26, 2020
A Farm Woman Defined
Picture this. The year is 1865. The location is a small farm in southern Norway. Anne and her husband report their assets for the census:...

Monica McConkey
May 26, 2020
Drawing Comparisons: Thoughts & Weeds
The war on weeds. Recurring. Damaging. Relentless. At the moment you think you are gaining the upper hand with an effective herbicide or...
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